Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, that's for sure. Therefore, from today on, we would like to share some ideas as well as short stories on our blog to give you inspiration, how to use a variety ingredients in order to make your breakfast better and of course tastier. In fact, when we say we love olive oil we mean it. We use it almost for everything. For example with scrambled eggs. Chop half an onion in little pieces and a green paprika, add a little of extra virgin olive oil (yeah, if the olive oil is extra virgin is nothing wrong to fry with it and it is more tasty than butter) and fry them just for few minutes. Then add the egg mix (additionally with a little milk). The trick for making perfect scrambled eggs is whisking the eggs before cooking them. Whisking incorporates air, which produces fluffier scrambled eggs. Green paprika and onion and...