News about the 5LT canisters of the harvest 2024 – 25

News about the 5LT canisters of the harvest 2024 – 25

Dear friends and followers I want to inform you that the pallet is already ready and has basically started its journey to Berlin - Neukolln. I believe it will arrive  by the end of next week or at the beginning of the week after. Those of you who have already prepaid for a quantity will receive a message from me as soon as possible. Since my storage space is not very large, I would prefer to distribute the canisters as soon as possible. For those who have not yet placed an order for the 5-liter canisters, there are still a few left. You might still be able to get a small quantity. Please drop me a line here In any case, if you have any questions, you can send me an email or stop by the Saturday market in Schillerkiez. I’d be happy to see you either way—maybe even over a coffee!...
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New year wishes and news from Berlin Oil Connection

New year wishes and news from Berlin Oil Connection

Dear friends of Berlin Oil Connection, Through this post, I would like to wish you a beautiful transition into the new year. I hope that 2025 brings us peace, serenity, and creativity. I wish good health for you and your loved ones. Although times are challenging, I hope that we all maintain a spirit of optimism and make this year as beautiful as possible. I imagine that I will see many of you in person at the Saturday market in a few days, where my stand will be there, every Saturday of January. As usual, I am writing to you when I have important news to share. Today is one of those days. This past year has been quite good for me in every way. The quality of the olive oil was excellent, as always, which is evident from your enthusiasm. This makes me especially happy because I truly love what I do. However, my farm produces a specific quantity of olive oil each...
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5LT canisters of the Harvest 2023  – 24 have arrived in Germany

5LT canisters of the Harvest 2023 – 24 have arrived in Germany

Dear friends of Berlin Oil Connection I hope you are all doing well. I would like to announce that 5LT canisters of the harvest 2023 - 24 have already arrived in Germany and I am expecting to get them in the upcoming days. I will receive them, either on Monday (February 26st or Friday March 1st). Thank you all for pre-ordering. I am going to write everyone a message in order to set up a date for the pick up. Those who didn't order their canister yet, you can always contact me  via email, whatsapp or come by in Neükolln. Thank you all for your support.  Berlin Oil Connection...
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New year wishes and last call for the preorder campaign 2024

New year wishes and last call for the preorder campaign 2024

Dear Friends of Berlin Oil Connection I wish you and your family a very happy new year with loads of happiness and good moments. May this year bring us peace and prosperity. At the moment I am in Greece, enjoying the winter days and the bright light...
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For the 2024 pre-order campaign of Berlin Oil Connection

For the 2024 pre-order campaign of Berlin Oil Connection

Dear Berlin Oil Connection friends. As you all know, the situation with olive oil production this year is particularly critical. In many regions of Europe, production has dramatically decreased. As a practical result, prices have exploded this year. However, this year's harvest for us has started normally and without any particular problems. The quality and characteristics of the extra virgin olive oil from our field are at a very good level again this year. However, the cost of bringing it to Berlin is very high. Inflation and climatic conditions, which are responsible for the decline in production, are the main enemy. That is why this year we will start our campaign earlier than planned. You can pre-order the amount of oil you need for next year, in this way you help us to bring it to Berlin. So we can keep a better price for all of you. For more info and orders you can always contact Berlin Oil Connection here:
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The new Preorder campaign for 2021 has already started.

The new Preorder campaign for 2021 has already started.

Dear friends of Berlin Oil Connection. We hope that you are all safe and well during these difficult times. This year's harvest has started and we are already working to bring you the finest quality of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil from our farm in Laconia. We got news that our olive oil this year is excellent as usual. Low acidity, good color and amazing taste. This year, We will bring olive oil from two different varieties (koroneiki and kalamon). Always in a direct connection with local farmers and in fact olive oil from one farm. In order to bring it here, as you might know we have a lot of expenses. Therefore we are about to start a pre-order campaign. It will help us also to estimate how many lt we have to bring this year for our good customers. If you are interested to pre-order, please let us know by sending us an email [wpforms id="62"]...
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