An escape to the mountain of Parnonas in autumn.

An escape to the mountain of Parnonas in autumn.

Every year in autumn or winter I make a visit to the Southern Peloponnese. My aim is to look for new high quality products from the region. So this year we went to the mountain of Parnonas to spend three days in the mountain and combine it with this purpose. We found ourselves in Kosmas where the autumn landscape dominated every corner of the village. The central square of the village is a real gem. The large plane trees and the traditional architecture of the houses really give a unique character to the place. The food in the small taverns is also unique. Everything is local and the smells make you hungry all the time. Our first stop was at the village square in one of the central cafes. There we drank tsipouro and tasted the smoked trout that is brought from the opposite mountain, Taygetos, and specifically from the village of Kastori located at its foothills. We ate stew, mountain...
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Vanilla Fir Honey soon from Berlin Oil Connection

Vanilla Fir Honey soon from Berlin Oil Connection

A walk in the local market of agricultural products in Skala Laconia was something I had wanted to do for a long time. But something always came up and I postponed it for the next time I would visit this small town located in the heart of the plain of Laconia. For those who don't know, Skala, is one of the most important centers of agricultural production in Laconia. The main agricultural product exported is citrus fruits (mainly oranges). Farmers in Skala produce of course also excellent quality vegetables, such as tomatoes and other vegetables. Skala is a centre of economic life in Laconia. The local market is held every Tuesday in a central point of the town and there are permanent places for producers from Skala and the surrounding villages in the area. The excellent quality olive oil soap that you can buy in Berlin from Berlin Oil Connection is produced by our friend Zoe there. A sunny Tuesday last...
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The finest quality of extra virgin olive oil  and handmade soap at Prenzlauer Berg farmer’s market in Seelower str. every Saturday.

The finest quality of extra virgin olive oil and handmade soap at Prenzlauer Berg farmer’s market in Seelower str. every Saturday.

The new season at the market has already started for us for 2021. We are back to the beautiful little farmer’s market in Prenzlauer Berg at Seelower strasse, every Saturday from 10-4pm. This year we sell two varieties - Koroneiki and Kalamon - of the finest quality of olive oil (cold pressed), directly imported from our farm in Southern Peloponnese. We also sell a special soap made also in Laconia region with the finest quality of olive oil. Two of our new amazing products that we are about to bring in Berlin are: mountain tea and oregano, both imported from the mountain Parnonas. More info soon Don't forget that market  also sells good wines, amazing quality of fresh greens, salads, veggies and even has a stand of special salami. We hope to see you there, for a little celebration of authentic and unmixed olive oil directly from one farm in Laconia in Southern Greece. This stuff used to be impossible to get in...
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The new Preorder campaign for 2021 has already started.

The new Preorder campaign for 2021 has already started.

Dear friends of Berlin Oil Connection. We hope that you are all safe and well during these difficult times. This year's harvest has started and we are already working to bring you the finest quality of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil from our farm in Laconia. We got news that our olive oil this year is excellent as usual. Low acidity, good color and amazing taste. This year, We will bring olive oil from two different varieties (koroneiki and kalamon). Always in a direct connection with local farmers and in fact olive oil from one farm. In order to bring it here, as you might know we have a lot of expenses. Therefore we are about to start a pre-order campaign. It will help us also to estimate how many lt we have to bring this year for our good customers. If you are interested to pre-order, please let us know by sending us an email [wpforms id="62"]...
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Extra virgin olive oil at Wittenbergplatz in Schöneberg, every Thursday

Extra virgin olive oil at Wittenbergplatz in Schöneberg, every Thursday

Our friends, from now on, can also find us at the local Market in Wittenbergplatz in Schöneberg, every Thursday from 10am to 5pm. We sell as always the finest quality of extra virgin olive oil, directly imported from our farm in southern Peloponnese (region of Laconia) as well as our new product: Soap made with extra virgin olive oil. As for the olive oil, we sell as usual, 1lt and 500ml bottles and 5lt canisters. If you live in Schöneberg, you can easily come by and get yours....
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Back to the farmer’s market in Prenzlauer Berg (Seelower Strasse)

Back to the farmer’s market in Prenzlauer Berg (Seelower Strasse)

The new season at the market has already started for us last Saturday, even now in times of the corona virus crisis. We are back to the beautiful little farmer’s market in Prenzlauer Berg at Seelower strasse, every Saturday from 10-4pm. From now on, you will find us there. We sell extra virgin olive oil directly by one farm in Southern Peloponnese (new harvest 2020), which arrived few days ago in Berlin. As we already announced, soon, we are about to sell a special soap made also in Laconia region with the finest quality of olive oil. The market sells also good wines, amazing quality of fresh greens, salads, vegies and even has a stand of special salami. We hope to see you there, for a little celebration of authentic and unmixed olive oil directly from one farm in Laconia in Southern Greece. This stuff used to be impossible to get in Berlin, now you can! We sell different sizes of...
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Tasting the olives from our farm

Tasting the olives from our farm

Black olives? Green olives? Purple olives? A personal highlight from our spring trip to the farm was tasting the actual olives. This is where the magic comes from. In case you wonder why they are not black like those you know from the supermarket, black olives are a Californian marketing invention, they are processed to turn black with an alkaline solution and ferrous gluconate. The pure thing looks like these from out farm in Southern Peloponnese....
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Olive oil new harvest pre-order now

Olive oil new harvest pre-order now

Dear supporters of Berlin Oil Connection The new harvest of olive oil is coming to Berlin soon. Extra virgin, Koroneiki, one harvest, from one farm in Southern Greece. We want to have a pre-order system for you. This will guarantee you a good price this year. As you know our little import connection Greece-Berlin is growing, this year we double the amount we bring. This has grown far beyond a network where we mostly sell to friends. We grow as a company and are also trying new things with farmer's markets and broader public sales beyond our initial network. This means we put in a lot more labor and costs and are asking higher prices. But we want to stick to a low price for those that support our development. This brings us to start a pre-order campaign. To have the oil for the special price of 15 Euros per Liter or 65 Euros per 5L canister, we please ask you to order...
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Special Olive Oil at Prenzlauer Berg farmer’s market in Seelower str. still availabe every Saturday.

Special Olive Oil at Prenzlauer Berg farmer’s market in Seelower str. still availabe every Saturday.

This Saturday September 7th and every Saturday we are on Bauernmarkt Seelower Strasse in Prenzlauer Berg. As we already mentioned to you in previous announcements It’s a beautiful little farmer’s market and it runs from 10-4. The market sells also good wines, amazing quality of fresh greens, salads, vegies and even has a stand of special salami. The atmosphere is lovely and there are also nice cafes in the street. We hope to see you there, for a little celebration of authentic and unmixed olive oil directly from one farm in Laconia in Southern Greece. This stuff used to be impossible to get in Berlin, now you can! We sell different sizes of bottles and canisters, which means bottles of 250 ml, 1lt and 5lt canisters....
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The new harvest of olive oil has already started

The new harvest of olive oil has already started

Dear friends and Berlin Oil connection followers We gladly announce that new harvest of olive oil in Southern Peloponnese at the region of Laconia has started. The olive oil from the new year will arrive in Berlin at the end of February - beginning of March like every year, since the picking of olives season ends in the mid of February. As always, we will bring in Berlin, the finest quality of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, with the lowest acidity. We will keep you updated in the future with more information. In any case, you are very welcome to contact us. If you have any questions about the oil, how we bring it here, our high standards etc, don't hesitate to write us. We would be happy to answer any of your questions. You are also welcome to pre-order a canister of 5lt, or just a bottle of the new extra virgin olive oil, in fact we will publish about...
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