New design, new bottles, same quality

New design, new bottles, same quality

  Dear friends. This years we have decided to move a step forward. The new season of selling our extra virgin finest quality olive oil from the harvest 2018-19 will start next march in Berlin, therefore we thought to improve our design and bottles beforehand. The quality of our olive oil will certainly remain the same one. As soon as possible, we will publish our new logo and further information about where you can buy olive olive from the new harvest. See you around The Berlin Oil Connection team...
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The new harvest of olive oil has already started

The new harvest of olive oil has already started

Dear friends and Berlin Oil connection followers We gladly announce that new harvest of olive oil in Southern Peloponnese at the region of Laconia has started. The olive oil from the new year will arrive in Berlin at the end of February - beginning of March like every year, since the picking of olives season ends in the mid of February. As always, we will bring in Berlin, the finest quality of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, with the lowest acidity. We will keep you updated in the future with more information. In any case, you are very welcome to contact us. If you have any questions about the oil, how we bring it here, our high standards etc, don't hesitate to write us. We would be happy to answer any of your questions. You are also welcome to pre-order a canister of 5lt, or just a bottle of the new extra virgin olive oil, in fact we will publish about...
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Olive Oil from Laconia: Background and further information

Olive Oil from Laconia: Background and further information

Berlin Oil Connection We bring to Berlin one of the finest olive oil from Laconias region in southern Greece. It is Extra Virgin and cold pressed olive oil. Opposing the industry standard of mixing various oils from various regions and even countries for mass consumption, we established a direct connection to local farmers in the area of Geraki Laconias. Our olive oil is pure and handpicked harvest and produced in a cooperative factory. We directly negotiate a fair price with the farmers. Less is more - Besides quality Our focus is on the oil, so far we do not provide special packaging, but seek to distribute this oil directly to people who appreciate the taste and quality. The olive oil of Geraki Laconias is also a protected geographical identification and that the cooperative we work with has certifications according to the agricultural standard AGRO 2-1 and AGRO 2-2/3. Two things are special about this oil First, it is very pure and not mixed with...
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November 3rd: Olive Oil Popup Market in Laidak

November 3rd: Olive Oil Popup Market in Laidak

We invite you to our first popup market to sale our olive oil. The olive oil is extra virgin and hand-picked in the region of Lakonia in the south of Greece. Please just tell us before what and how much you want. Just make a comment in this event. You can pick it up on Saturday in Laidak. You can also taste the olive oil on site. Just write that our product is not yet known to you and you are still interested in it. Because we have no other options yet, payment is actually only possible in cash. Sorry folks! at Laidak Boddinstrasse 46, November 3rd 15.00 - 18.30 You can always contact us [wpforms id="62" title="true" description="true"]  ...
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