Studies have shown that it can do everything from reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and even help prevent cancer. And Greek olive oil might just be the healthiest. As for the Laconian extra virgin olive oil is considered one of the best in the country. Koroneiki variety of olives that the Southern Greek – Laconian olive oil is mainly from, is listed as one of the best varieties in the world. The chemical characteristics of Koroneiki oil are simply perfect. This cultivar is suitable for an early, excellent, extra virgin olive oil. Tfhe Koroneiki olive has one of the highest oil contents (20-30% oil), yet it is very small and difficult to cultivate. The overall yield of oil per tree is still a lot lower, but its return is exceptional quality. At the year 2018, various farmers from Peloponnese with extra olive oil made out from koroneiki won the golden price in international contests.